6 Fehler, die man beim Gurkenanpflanzen nicht machen sollte

  • Soil Enrichment Before Planting Regardless of your soil’s richness, it’s beneficial to incorporate some fertilizer. Three favored options include compost for organic gardeners, horse manure for its rich nutrients, and nettle manure packed with vitamins and potassium. These natural fertilizers can be obtained at minimal or no cost. Mix your chosen fertilizer with the potting soil before planting the seedlings, and consider applying additional fertilizer at least once during the fruit’s growth season.
  • Mulching for Moisture Retention Mulching has become a common practice in gardens, aiding in moisture retention and reducing the frequency of watering, which can be especially advantageous during water-restricted periods. Mulching also offers protection against pests such as slugs and rodents by shielding the base of the stems.
  • Stake Placement for Cucumber Growth Cucumbers can either be left to sprawl or encouraged to climb stakes. The choice depends on your garden’s space availability. If space is limited, staking is recommended. Place stakes every 50 to 60 centimeters and position a young cucumber plant at the base of each stake. As the plant grows, it will develop tendrils that enable it to cling to and climb the stake or fence. If necessary, assist the stems in attaching to the stake initially with a string. Vertical growth saves ground space and can even be trained along a fence.
  • Consistent Soil Watering Watering is critical for cucumbers, especially for a fruitful harvest. Cucumbers are water-intensive, requiring 12 liters of water per kilo of cucumber to produce abundant fruit. While young plants should not be overwatered initially, those with forming fruit require regular watering, particularly during periods of extreme heat. Always water at the base of the plant, avoiding wetting the leaves to prevent disease. These tips will undoubtedly lead to an impressive cucumber harvest for your family to enjoy.


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